Integrated BAS/SAS & Skills

Integrated BAS/SAS & Skills

Once both an embodied understanding of and general capacity with foundational strength contexts on the rings (e.g. ‘Pullups’, ‘Dips’, ‘L-sit/ring-support’ and ‘Bent-arm support’) has been developed, the next step in is bringing them together in foundational integrations.

Whilst this is a gradual move toward increasing strength-complexity, as these integrations are generally of greater intensity and/or during they also serve to progress strength capacities further and to condition one’s current baseline. In most cases, the practice of a single INTEGRATED context can then REPLACE practice of two or more isolated ones which it brings together, making practice more efficient and saving time/energy for increased focus on or opening other projects.

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Integrated BAS/SAS & Skills
  • The rings ‘False-grip’

    This is a grip in which the pisiform (bony protrusion in the ulnar-corner side of the palm) of the hand is always supported ABOVE the inside of the gymnastics rings. As a result, the ulnar-side of the wrist/forearm is also TIGHTLY contacted with the rings throughout.

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  • 'Windshield-wipers' (WW) & 'Meathook' (MH)

    Both contexts exploring hanging transverse-rotation in a "piked" front-lever form, the 'Windshield wipers' (WW) are a patterning & conditioning context, whilst the 'Meathook' (MH) is an isometric-form which might well be classed as a skill.

    For this reason they cannot really be seen as...

  • Parallettes 'Planche' & 'L-/V-sit'

    Developing these two fundamental SAS/S forms on the low-parallettes (or optionally high 'Parallel-bars') is essentially just a shift of modality from floor, to bar-support.

    Despite this apparently small difference, it can affect execution quite significantly depending on the individual...

  • 'False-grip' (FG) Development

    'False-grip' (FG) development is oriented around two connected capacities: mobility, and strength development. This is because the 'FG' is mechanically at its strongest when a toward 90° angle of wrist-flexion is available when gripping the rings (i.e. it is maximally "closed"), but at ...

  • 'Pseudo' muscle-up transition

    Toward patterning the optimal transition between vertical-pull (pullup) to vertical-push (dip), the transition phase is isolated here in a 'pseudo' form.

    This means that, whilst it is designed to simulate EXACTLY the same execution, it is done so with the intensity aspect removed...

  • Eccentric (Ecc.) muscle-up (MU)

    This is a regressive 'Muscle-up' (MU) variation which makes use of a slow & controlled eccentric-phase (i.e. the way down) ONLY toward developing strength, optimal structure & patterning, with primary focus here being on the "crux" of the MU 'transition'-phase.

    Whilst the intenti...

  • Foot-assisted 'Muscle-up' (FA MU)

    A transitionary drill for bridging the gap between the 'Negative/eccentric muscle-up' and the full, unassisted 'Muscle-up'. Of utmost importance here is maintaining an accurate SIMULATION of the full muscle-up pattern. Toward ensuring this, simply RESPECT GRAVITY!

    This means that, when...

  • 'Mehanical-advantage' (MA) muscle-up (MU)

    The ‘MA’ muscle-up makes use of a “snapping” of the body from a position of global-extension with the chest high, as in initiating the ‘strict’ pullup, followed by a KICKING of the legs FORWARD and simultaneous shooting of hips & elbows back.

    This action helps to pass EXPLOSIVELY...

  • 'Strict' muscle-up variations

    A bent-arm strength integration which expresses fundamental capacities & patterning already built in separate vertical-pulling & pushing projects, namely the ring 'Pullup' & 'Dip', & practice of the ‘Transition’, further to strength & patterning-development projects such as the ‘Eccentr...

  • Rings forward-roll

    The 'Rings forward-roll' is a dynamic skill on the gymnastics rings which goes through phases of SASS (ring-support) and BAS (both pulling back up over the rings, and pushing back into support).

    Its execution relies on the strength & integrity of 'false-grip' & optimal efficiency...

  • 'L-sit' to 'Elevated bent-arm stand' (isolated & integrated)

    An integration of SAS (straight-arm-strength) in the fundamental 'L-sit' form and BAS (bent-arm strength) in a progression for the 'Bent-arm stand'. In bringing these movements together, focus is on developing the optimal mechanics & patterning to bring them together through a seamless ...

  • Rings 'L-sit' to 'Bent-arm support' (BAs)

    A fundamental SAS (L-sit 'ring-support') to BAS (Bent-arm support) transition conditioning both forms and developing proprioception in the transitioning between them.

    Two variations are presented: the option of entering with a 'tuck' form, and a 'pike' form. Where desired/required, the...

  • P-bars conditioning dropset (BAS/SAS push)

    An advanced conditioning context which initially requires a strong baseline capacity with the isolated forms for it to be a worthwhile context of practice.

    As the first and most difficult strength form - the 'Deficit tuck-planche pushup' - is a HORIZONTAL-pushing context of prac...