Press HS & Stalder press

Press HS & Stalder press

Whilst fundamentally dependent upon the ability to balance in a handstand and an embodied understanding of the structure and mechanics required to do so, ‘Press-handstand’ variations and the ‘Stalder press’ ultimately belong to the bodyweight practice of ‘straight-arm scapular/strength’ (SAS/S) pressing, namely through the range of shoulder flexion. The ‘straddle’ and ‘pike-press’ handstand are characteristically OVERHEAD presses, feet starting on the floor with the backside as HIGH as possible OVER the shoulders, and the ‘Stalder’ and ‘L-sit to pike-press (LSPP)’ are essentially BI-phasic movements which express the greatest range of shoulder-flexion; they start from a straddle/L-sit position with the backside BELOW the shoulders, necessitating an additional ‘low-press’ phase BEFORE transitioning to the ‘high-press’ of the pike or straddle-press handstand.

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Press HS & Stalder press
  • Standing-pike shoulder-loading

    These progressive 'shoulder-loading' variations are used to condition & strengthen the anterior shoulders & upper-back muscles, as well as hip-flexion & the abdominal "crunch" toward maximising 'compression' potential (the ACTIVE forward-folding strength compressing the upper-body...

  • The 'Cast Walk'

    The 'Cast Walk' is a straight-arm strength (SAS) development context in which the strength-curve is maximal in the LAST 90-degrees (90-180) of arm-flexion (i.e. arms straight out in front, until overhead). This makes it particularly valuable in developing the strength of straight-arm, O...

  • Wall-supported open closed shoulder

    A wall-supported drill which isolates the 'open/closed' shoulder-pattern whilst maintaing a tight line, also developing straight-arm strength in the process. It is an accessible & useful accessory development tool toward building the 'press HS', 'handstand pushup', and also contributes ...

  • Handstand open/closed-shoulder reps

    Patterning the open-to-closed & closed-to-open-shoulder handstand forms with an eye toward its application in progressive handstand strength movements, such as the 'Press HS' and 'HS pushup'. In the press-handstand, it represents the final 'opening' of the shoulders after the press whic...

  • Lying straddle press-HS pattern

    An accessory tool for developing an understanding of the patterning & "firing-sequence" for the straddle press-HS, namely: 1. OPEN-straddle (open = the open HIP angle), 2. CLOSED-straddle (closed = the closed HIP angle), 3. Lumbar-'curl', 4. Compress & pike.

    It should be noted t...

  • Jump into press HS

    Whilst this context does not significantly contribute to the straight-arm strength required to perform the full 'Press handstand', it allows development of the "popping" texture required for an efficient jump-up into straddle-handstand position which contributes to calibration of power-...

  • Back-to-wall Straddle press-HS eccentric

    A supported context which develops transferable strength and patterning toward the full 'Straddle press-handstand'. It is important to note from the outset that the effectiveness of this drill is very much determined by the available range in your 'Pancake' form, as well as your a...

  • Straddle press-HS ('open/closed' straddle & Eccentric)

    Development of the 'Straddle press-handstand' benefits from an understanding of the isolated 'open/closed' straddle phase of the press "firing-sequence", one already established in practice of the 'Lying press-HS pattern'. Brought now into balancing inversion, the 'Open-straddle, ...

  • Partial straddle press-HS contexts

    Straight-arm strength (SAS) & patterning development of the 'high-press' phase of the straddle press-handstand, incorporating both the eccentric AND concentric-phases. Whist the first context isolates the “open/closed” shoulder-pattern necessary for bringing the shoulders BACK over the ...

  • Full-range straddle press-HS

    For those endowed with a high-capacity in straight-arm strength pressing or significant active-range in leg-abduction & compression (or, even more fortunate, both at the same time), these conceptually-progressive ‘Full-range straddle press-HS’ variations may be immediately available for...

  • High straddle-hold

    An integrated straddle-compression (i.e. active lifting of the extended legs) and straight-arm scapular-strength (SASS) drill in the context of vertical pushing. Ultimately, these two aspects integrate into a fundamental isometric form which both serves for strength-conditioning and 'ac...

  • 'Stalder-pieces': the "low-press"

    Isolated pieces for development toward the "Stalder-press", an integrated straight-arm strength & balance skill which demonstrates an optimal marriage between strength, mobility, & handstand development.

    These contexts are used for specifically developing straight-arm strength in the "...

  • Stalder-press eccentric

    Progressions for practicing the eccentric 'stalder-press', an integrated straight-arm strength & balance skill which demonstrates an optimal marriage between strength, mobility, & handstand development.

    Whilst straight-arm strength & front-folding/pancake forms must be of a certa...

  • Full 'Stalder-press progressions

    The mighty ‘Stalder-press’. For those with the ‘Straddle press-handstand’ in sights, or even already proficient in multiple reps, there is a voice in the back of the mind which knows that the work is never really complete until the full ‘Stalder’ has been “unlocked” – and for good reaso...