'Rings' sequences & routines

'Rings' sequences & routines

Integrating strength & skill contexts on the gymnastics rings into extended sequences & routines is a simple way to develop further “complexity” in an upper-body strength practice. Notably, the work is now oriented around transitioning one’s body through a greater range of different forms, positions, and orientations in space, often involving changes in pushing/pulling mechanics (e.g. in extension/flexion, straight-arm/bent-arm) too.

Through the practice this not only develops the “hard” qualities of physical-capacity & conditioning further, but also “soft” qualities such as proprioceptive, kinaesthetic, and spatial-awareness, movement “intelligence” (i.e. an understanding of and proficiency in the logical transitioning between forms), and confidence.

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'Rings' sequences & routines
  • Foundational SAS ring-sequences

    These example contexts aim to demonstrate that creating sequences on the gymnastics rings is immediately accessible for most, and can be incorporated in the very early stages of practice. Straight-arm strength (SAS) routines are proposed to be more accessible than bent-arm strength (BAS...

  • SAS rings routine (1.0)

    This fundamental SAS routine incorporates hanging straight-arm scapular-strength (SASS) in the form of the 'Active hanging L-sit' (AHL), transitions through straight-arm strength (SASS) pulling in shoulder flexion (i.e. to the front of the body as the hips are brought through the backwa...

  • SAS rings routine (1.1)

    This fundamental SAS routine incorporates hanging straight-arm scapular-strength (SASS) and straight-arm strength (SASS) in hanging shoulder-flexion/extension by pulling into/out of the ‘GH’ form, and spending time with a ‘FL’ isometric on the exit.

    It progresses from ‘SAS 1.0’ by incr...

  • SAS rings routine (1.2)

    This fundamental SAS routine incorporates hanging straight-arm scapular-strength (SASS) in the form of the 'Active hanging L-sit' (AHL), transitions through straight-arm strength (SASS) pulling in shoulder flexion (i.e. to the front of the body) to enter ‘Inverted-hang’ (IH), into shoul...

  • SAS rings routine (1.3)

    This fundamental SAS routine incorporates straight-arm strength (SAS) pulling forms in both hanging shoulder-flexion/extension in the ‘Front-lever’ (FL) and ‘Back-lever’ forms. It develops from ‘SAS rings routine 1.1’ by changing the ‘German hang’ (GH) for a significantly more intense B...

  • SAS rings-routines with 'Meathook' (MH)

    3 different rings-sequences presenting possible integrations of the ‘Meathook’ skill into routines. They are notably all presented in the context of straight-arm strength (SAS) development in a position hanging UNDER the rings for the benefit of focus on learning the TRANSITIONS between...

  • Rings forward-roll to 'Bent-arm support' (BAs)

    A logical development to the 'Rings forward-roll' and a step toward integrating within a rings-routine, here the momentum from the roll is CONTINUED in order to keep the hips high and extend DIRECTLY into the 'BAs' form. The latter then returns to 'Ring-support' from where a sequence ca...

  • 'Muscle-up' & forward roll / to 'BAs'

    Another logical development in the integration of bent-arm strength (BAS) forms on the gymnastics rings (each relying on experience & proficiency with the individual pieces), now bringing together the worlds of “hanging” under the rings, “support” above the rings, and therefore opening ...

  • Finishing BAS ring-routines in 'IH' (through 'BAp')

    These sequences demonstrate a range of possibilities for working ABOVE the rings (predominantly BENT-arm strength/BAS-oriented) before transitioning back BELOW the rings through a transition into ‘IH’, from where a further STRAIGHT-arm strength/SAS) routine can be added. Notably, all th...

  • BAS & SAS rings-routine 'intermediate' 1

    This rings-routine expresses capacities & skills developed as dedicated BAS/SAS projects to themselves within an integrated bent-& straight-arm strength (BAS/SAS) sequence. It is useful as a “bang for buck” maintenance & conditioning routine, keeping complexity low and focusing on expre...