SASS pull (vertical & horizontal)

SASS pull (vertical & horizontal)

The straight-arm scapular-strength (SASS) ‘pull’ collection develops the foundational understanding, patterning, and capacity on which to build the mechanics of straight AND bent-arm pulling through a progressive pathway. If the hands are one end of the pulling chain connecting arms to an anchor-point then the scapulae (“shoulder-blades”) are the other, effectively connecting the BODY to the ARMS.

Whether performing or developing toward bent-arm (e.g.‘Chinup’/’Pullup’) or straight-arm (e.g. ‘Front-lever/FL’) vertical-pulling objectives, the scapulae must be held TIGHTLY and STABLY (isometrically) against the back of the rib-cage/torso; this then allows for MAXIMAL integration & force-production of the bigger, superficial back muscles, abdominal-muscles, deeper spinal-stability muscles, and ultimately the ENTIRE BODY in contributing to greater force-output and any necessary changing of form & structure during the pull.

LEARN MORE (subscriber-only):

SASS pull (vertical & horizontal)
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