Floor-contact sequences & improvisation contexts

Floor-contact sequences & improvisation contexts

Having learnt certain isolated patterns and “floorwork” concepts, the space opens up to begin putting them together and truly “driving” the body through space, in floor-contact. Whilst this can be undertaken at any stage of practice and should not be dressed in the guise of some “ultimate level”, it will most certainly benefit from strong investment in all the “pieces” which are expressed within them. Likewise, the contexts can also be used REFLECTIVELY to notice certain patterns or concepts which are perhaps lacking in investment and would benefit from revisiting in isolation, or simply incorporated more within open, sequenced or improvised practice.

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Floor-contact sequences & improvisation contexts
  • 90-90 exploration

    An “open” context, insomuch that the practitioner is free to explore all 90-90 patterns available to them in a programmed space/time. The objective here is to begin finding, understanding, and expressing the interconnections between the various isolated 90-90 contexts, both to establish...

  • Fundamental floor-sequence 1

    A very basic sequence which brings together fundamental patterns to begin entering, moving in contact with, transitioning through, and exiting the floor. The incorporation of the ‘pendulum/neck-roll’ here introduces their potential to be used as an “end-tying” return in floorwork (i.e. ...

  • The Undercut: Closed-chain Sequences 1

    The ‘Undercut’ transition allows for the transitioning of the body from an “over-floor”, quadrupedal position (on the hands & feet), to entering the floor into full contact. In all of these sequences, the rotational ‘Role’ is the quadrupedal pattern of choice with which to begin, tying ...

  • Role -> 'Scorpion' -> 'Undercut' -> 'Box-turn'

    A quadrupedal-to-floor-entrance-&-back-again locomotion sequence. It brings together the 'half-Role to Scorpion-tail' integration leading directly into the 'Undercut' transition to enter the floor, then exiting through the 'Box-turn' pattern leading seamlessly into the fundamental 'Role...

  • 'Driving' the lateral floor-roll

    Putting the many pieces of fewer concepts together in a single context – the ‘driving’ of the lateral floor-roll (in ALL its variations) is a simple context which requires both familiarity & proficiency not only with the rolls in themselves, but with the TRANSITIONS (i.e. ‘Pendulum’ and...

  • Floor-contact improvisation 1

    This resource demonstrated the improvised context of exploring floor-entrance & exit patterns (FEN/FEX), lateral-rolling variations, and ‘neck circles’, leading to the ‘Pendulum roll’ and ‘Shoulder-Role’ patterns. These are considered ‘fundamental’ aspects in that, together, they provid...